Specialised transport and equipment provider Jacobs Transport, which has been moving and rigging heavy machinery for two decades, has introduced new technologies into its warehouse environment to better control the valuable stock of its customers. The new INControl Warehouse Management System has been developed specifically to keep control of the complexities inherent in such an environment.
Jacobs now offers high activity and low activity storage areas. The company can assist with staging to stay in control of the whereabouts of stock in the warehouse, and pick stock based on customer orders for just-in-time deliveries. Its INControl Warehouse Management System integrates seamlessly with its transport planning booking system, which represents better control of incoming and outgoing stock and optimal live reporting.
Jacobs Transport provides a complete logistics solution including services from the handling (in and out), in bond transport and in bond storage of industrial products. INControl supports the planning and optimization of our fleet. Quotes, bookings and orders are completed using this unique custom developed ERP System on our ISO 9001:2015 process flows. Our drivers are all equipped with tablets that allows for signing-on-glass proof of delivery. Invoicing can be fast tracked on the day of delivery. Service delivery levels are monitored per each booking order which guarantees maintenance of our high service levels.
The company is not only able to transport its client’s cargo to and from the port, but is also able to de-stuff, de-crate, pre-assemble and store the items until the client’s site is completed, where after the items will be rigged into their final position.
Jacobs Transport’s forklifts are equipped with low masts to ensure easy access, enabling the forklift to drive into containers to assist with the packing and unpacking/destuffing containers in preparation for the port.
Jacobs Transport’s facilities are equipped with overhead cranes to accommodate the handling and assembly of heavy machinery, containers and cargo.
The company is also certified to transport hazardous chemicals and military equipment and has its own in-house safety, health and environment (SHE) manager. Clients are assured that all equipment is load tested and certified by a registered Lifting Machinery Inspector. All Jacobs trucks are mine ready, with the SHE manager ensuring that safety files are up to date.
Founded in 1999, brothers Jan and Gys Jacobs saw a need in the market for a reliable, specialised transport service. Jacobs Transport is built on a strong foundation of Christian ethical values that cements the company together, from which solid rock we can build a tower of strength. The brothers attribute the success and growth of their business to dedication, honesty, reliability and affordability.
Jacobs Transport began operating with one second-hand crane truck, with the fleet having since grown to include 71 trucks, over 100 trailers and controlling 20 owner-driven trucks.
Jacobs Transport also provides rigging services across multiple applications, such as rigging generators into power plants, sliding vessels within a refinery, and moving heavy equipment across weak surfaces.
The company’s 300 tonnes track skid, also known as a Jack and Slide, is a safer alternative to overhead lifting or crawlers. The Jack and Slide shifts heavy objects over to the turn table, which accurately and efficiently rotates the object into the desired position. The object is then lowered into final position with the use of vertical hydraulic jacks.
The company is also able to assist with cross border transport and clearing, with a well-established branch in Gaborone, in Botswana.
For an obligation- free consultation on your warehousing, machine moving or specialised transport requirements, please contact us on 010 200 9946.