Cross Border
Jacobs Transport can assist with transport requirements and border clearance to all neighbouring countries and into Africa as far north as Lubumbashi (DRC). Typical destinations include:
- Botswana
- Lesotho
- Zimbabwe
- Malawi
- Namibia
- Namibia (via Botswana)
- Swaziland
- Zambia
- Mozambique
- Mozambique (via Zimbabwe)
Distribution into the BLNS states requires compliance with the respective Customs Border Management procedures and requirements, goods are not permitted to go through the border unless certain documents accompany them therefore Jacobs ensures that the following is in place:
- All goods destined to Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland is accompanied by a tax invoice which is zero VAT rated, clear goods description and each line entry has values expressed in South African currency
- The invoice indicates the shippers name, address, registration number, VAT number as well as Exporter code number. Consignee’s name and physical address, VAT registration number / Deferment account or IVCF certificates for the Lesotho transactions
- BLNS clients are fully registered as importers with their respective Revenue Authorities