Tanks and Pipelines - CALL us ON 010 200 9946
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Tanktainer Transport and pipeline transport is a very tricky task as they are highly susceptible to damage or loss. The tanks themselves are heavy and long and it is difficult to manoeuvre them thus causing a need for specialised abnormal transport. A flatbed truck is used to transport tanks and pipelines, crane trucks are used for rigging and positioning the tank or pipe in its ideal location. Such locations are generally very controlled environments with high focus on proper SHEQ requirements.
Jacobs Transport has highly qualified Health and Safety (SHEQ) personelle in-house and is able to assist with Safety Files, Method Statements and Lifting Plans.
Sometimes the tanks or pipes can be longer than 12m, which is the usual deck length. Jacobs Transport has a large fleet of extendable trailers that can extend up to 18m. This allows us to carry a wide variety of tanks and pipes legally.
Do you need a quote? Call us on 010 200 9946