Live tracking systems are used to improve driver behaviour as well as improve security.
Jacobs has a Tracking Department which tracks and monitors all Jacobs vehicles. The Tracking Department has a full fleet tracking system where each vehicle in the Jacobs fleet has a tracking unit as well as a backup unit installed. Each unit is linked to the central tracking system where Tracking Controllers have visibility of the location of each vehicle. Each driver has contact with the Tracking department and his allocated Route Supervisor via cell phone for back up purposes.
Throughout every trip, a tracking report can also be pulled from the tracking system where the route of the vehicle is shown as well as the behavior of the driver in terms of speed, harsh breaking, any stops made and over revving. These reports can be pulled from the system during as well as after a trip. Each vehicle is also equipped with real time cameras that are faced to either side of the vehicle, towards the front as well as the cab of the vehicle ensuring that we are in total control of the cargo at all times.
This system provides the following detail:
- Live tracking of vehicles
- Measures traveling speed
- Measures vehicles fuel levels
- Highlights any vehicle abuse (Over revving, Harsh breaking and Cold Starting)
- Customised reports can be pulled on any driver or vehicle variable
- Additional benefits of the use of the tracking system are the following:
- Vehicles fuel consumptions are improved
- Vehicles engine life is pro-longed, as abuse is reduced